♥ Do you have a favourite gift that you love to give? I love to give people books. I think that a really good book is the best gift to receive myself and if you really make an effort to find the perfect book for someone that equals love. The cutest children book I love to give is Sam McBratney´s book “Guess how much I love you”
♥ If you are making gifts this year, what are you making? As my blog readers know, I am making quite a few gifts this year. Here is a little list with links to some of the projects:
Ricebag warmer
Pacifier holders
Mushroom mittens
Ear rings, mini note books, mini scrapbook holder
♥ Name one thing on your personal wish list. Ali Edwards new scrapbooking book.
♥ Do you make and sell things that would make fantastic gifts? Well, maybe something from my shop?
You can check out lots and lots of cool stuff in the Handmade Holiday flickr group.
I just have to share a photo of my Christmas card making daughter :)

And this is the photo that we have used for our Christmas cards this year!

what a gorgeous family. The only things I am making this year is a letter to go in my christmas cards and lunch on christmas day. Oh one thing I will probably make this year is the snowflake cut-outs that you sitck on the windows, they enjoyed making them last year.
Hi! Congrats on being featured on Sew, Mama, Sew! I've bookmarked your blog to read later when my little one naps. -Addie
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