I seem to have alot of these slow days lately. And don´t get me wrong I am all for slow, but this weekend I have been plain bored! It was a long time ago I was bored really. My life is very full; with activities,pets and family things to do. But this weekend was just boring. Although I acctually finally saw the movie Rattatouille with my daughter and her friend at he movies yesterday. I have been wanting to see that movie for a while now. It was a good one! Although the french accent could be hard to understnad, especially for the kids. The movie made me want to go to France. Hey, you who have been in Paris, is it really how it is pictured in the movies? You know with lot´s of small cafés, cool houses and just so...so romantic? Or is it only how they all portrait it in the movies? Speaking of France i have just finished reading Anna Gavaldas book Ensamble, c´est tout (transl. "Together, you are less alone") If you like an odder kind of book you should read this. It is very european :) That made me want to go to France even more :)
Currently I have gone back to my comfort zone reading wise. Yep, Agatha Christie :) I am reading one of her Miss Marple books.
I ordered a few CD´s yesterday. Among others I ordered this. I am a sucker for nice looking guys singing nice and I love Christmas songs :) Perfect! I also ordered a few CD´s and DVD´s as Christmas gifts. I am almost ready with my shopping. I just have to buy something for my BIL and FIL then I am finite. Although I am sure I will see something more that is perfect for someone I know! I always do :)
I was flipping through Keri Smiths book "Living out loud" today and that always makes me happy. Have you seen her blog? She always have something thoughtworthy (is that a word?) to say. I especially love this entry plain and simple. I should have that taped on my bathroom mirror! Also she has that Guerilla Art kit book I am dying to get. I am so in the mood for some guerilla art! Just check this out! That is just such a simple way of spreading the love, isn´t it! You can read more on how to be a Guerilla artist here!
Speaking of love, I know that this photo was in my latest flickr mosaic, but I just had to show it again.

I think it is amazing...you know the sparkle of love...
I have no projects that are done or even in the making at the moment. I was so bored my mojo went out the window, but I am going to blame that on my second fall cold that has developed itself in my nose and head...
I don't live in Paris but in Nice (south of France). I've seen the movie Ratatouille and even if the story is not in 2000's, the town is still so wonderfull and charming... It's really a pleasure for me to go in this town for a few days (and it's better if it's a romantic WE with my husband only!!!).
I've also read the Gavalda's book and I really love it... If it's possible, you can also see the french movie of this book. I didn't see it but it had very good critics in France. And the french actors (Audrey Tautou and Guillaume Canet are really great actors!!!)
So, see you soon maybee in Paris ;-)))
I loved Ratatouille. Such a cute movie and I saw it with Nati on her b-day so I loved it even more :)
I adored Paris, thought it was really magical!! :)
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