I have been doing some new projects, but they are not at all finished so i am not showing anything yet :) But I did make a little booster layout for myself acctually. I have started an all about me kind of album and in that I have decided to put random things that I feel about at that moment. The journaling is my new mantra: I may! I can! I will! and it refers to my thoughts being so negative and I need to change the way I think to be able to get better from my loooong depression.

I finally got to use those yummy American Craft foam numbers. Aren´t they just yummy! And I really like that photo that my daughter took of me when we were at that cool 50s café if you remember.
We have all been missing our Chanty boy alot lately, especially my husband. It is strange, but not really, that Chanty and Harry are so very different. I thought they would make me feel the same. But it is not so, not so at all. Harry has become more of my dog, like Chanty was more my husbands. I have been the one being home and around Harry the most these months and that shows. He wines for me and want to be in the room I am in and soforth. He is doing so much better and is down to 54 kilos now. We are taking longer and longer walks and he just sits down for a bit when his legs get tired. But he is so happy all the time! He ran (!) to me today! Wow! As we get home from our walks he likes to lay down infront of the front stairs and just lay for a while. And that is a typical Chanty thing to do, he loved to lay outside just sniffing and looking around.

I have also had time to browse the net for some cool things today and you have to see Annas gorgeous baby minibook! It is so great! (Anna I couldn´t leave you a message on your blog)
A booster page...I like that ;)
I'm sorry to hear about you dear old dog. Mine is getting older and I savor each day with her.
Awww, love the doggie pictures!
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