Monday, June 25, 2007

lazy monday

well, these days all days are lazy... I have trubble to get things done really. I see all these things that need to be done, but then I just sit. I guess I can pretend that I am just living life SLOW :) I have continued reading the book SLOW -live your life slow, and I have now found the URL to the books author. In praise of slow is a really interesting place, especially if you click on the links section there are SO many links that are interesting to visit. If you have the time, go and try. Right now I have come to the chapture in the book about Slow exercise. Sounds nice right! But I am sure it is high-intensity on the body though. In the book, the author refer to a study that says that we burn the most fat when our heart in 70-75% of it´s maximum speed, a person can do that by walking fast or jog lightly. That is because when you trin harder the body uses more carbohydrates to loose the fat = the using the muscles. Hm...interesting. Meditation is really a thing I have been wanting to try and I think I will try to sign me up for a beginners class for this fall. And yoga seems very nice to. I power walk daily and any type of walking is recomended by yours truly. Just think of all the benifits of walking; you breath fresh air, you are out in nature, you clear your mind, you exercise, you can get a tan :), you see wonderful and sometimes really funny things. It is the oldest kind of excersie and as far as I am conserned the best one still.

I found such an interesting link on Taras blog the other day. The shape of a mother is such a cool place and a real place. The site is an activism for the real after-having-my-baby-this-is-what-my-body-really-looks-like. Awesome! I usually say, well, anyone can look good with clothes on! :) But how does all those skinny celebrity mommies look underneath? I know after loosing 30 pounds in 3 months the other year I looked great, if I may say so myself, but hey, noone said that the belly would still be saggy and the stretchmarks will still be there! Not to mention the extra skin! Yikes! I am bad about my body, really. But my husband keeps telling me that I have to remember that i have a beautiful and smart daughter and that is why my body has changed. And then suddenly a light goes up and then I am really proud of myself and my body. Everyone (that sees me naked, which aren´t that many!) can see that I have given life! Really it is all about teaching our children what women really look like.

I have tried to be creative today, but sadly I failed. Oh, well i have those days too :) I started a mini book though, and I will be sharing that soon. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

And Susie! Got ya´!

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