this old agfa is so cool i think! i will just use it as a decoration but it makes my heart skip whenever i see it. and that cat salt shaker is too cute :)

i love these little plates. i have a bunch of different kinds and use them in various places in my house to put my rings in when i can´t wear them.

yesterday night i was feeling all strange and for me cleaning is such a liberation and i feel so good when i am cleaning and organizing :) so i did just that. during my organization i stumbled over some chalkboard paint i bought this summer. hm...what could i paint ? so, offcourse i went to my number one source of chalkboard goodies = suzanne. she has made a few projects like;
chalkboard on the front door
on an entire door
livingroom chalkboards
well, yes you get the picture. so i decided that i wanted to try on a smaller space the first time. as we are always re-modeling our house we have spare bits of wood and such laying around the garage. i found a longer piece and dusted it of and got to work. the label said i had to paint horizontally first and then let dry and then paint it again vertically. this all took about 20 minutes!

first i planned to have it somewhere in my craftroom, but lack of space made the decision not hard to re-think! so in the bedroom it landed. right above the headboard. i plan to write messages and quotes on it. right now it has one of my favorite and very true quotes on it:
joy is what happens to you when you allow yourself to recognize how good things really are...

i am so happy with the result. i still have a little tweaking to do on that shelf, but other than that i am happy because it was really an easy and fast project and i always love those!
what did you do today?
great project! and i love that old agfa you found.
AH! that little suitcase is perfect! love it :)
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