We stayed home today, since the said daughter has had high fever the whole weekend and still had one today. She is chilling on the couch and in between fetching her what ever she need :) I had some time to scrap.

As we are home, we took advantage of that and took some fun photos :)

I hope your dh gets to feeling better soon. I really love the project you two did, so sweet. I'm sure she will love it :)
what a great project! i think i could handle something like that :)
What a precious project! I just love it! And your pages are fabulous! My daughter is home with a fever, too. I should sneak away to my table...
Vilket sött broderi!!! Jättebra idé!
Sååå snygga LO:s och härliga bilder!
Idag fick jag mitt paket...
Underbara grejjer! Ska bli kul att pyssla lite med!
Hoppas att dottern kryar på sig snart...
Ha det bra!
Don't you love that book. So many creative ideals. I love the project you did. Your mom will be over the moon for it. Hope hubby is feeling better soon. Great post
å, den boken har jag kikat på många gånger... skulle så gärna vilja ha den med!! :-) jag har mailat dig & säger TACK för det stooora paketet här också!
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