our little family of three have gone through a.l.o.t of things in the past and i am so proud of the fact that we are so united, so tight as a family.

i had my daughter 9 years ago, i was 20 and i was afraid. yep, afraid. i just knew in me that the birth wouldn´t go as planned. unfortunatly i was right..i was in labour for 32 hours and it all ended with a emergency c-section. the painkillers didn´t work so i felt it all (i was awake). no details but it left a mark on me. a mark in my soul and mind and on my body. i have a scar after the c-section and my belly is n.o.t at all how i would like it to be. here i journal about my feelings where i sometimes hate how my body and belly looks like, but then my husband came and told me; hey you have given a life! those strethmarks are marks of life! ...see why i love him?! :) that is right: I HAVE GIVEN A LIFE!!! i am so proud of that fact and i wear the scar with pride. i really loved doing this page it felt so good!
ps. hey it is not much but i am getting there! i am acctually working on 2 projects right now :)
I wish I could read your journalling, I can totally relate to your feelings. I have had 3 elective c-sections and I have a large scar across my tummy. I smile every time you use the little punchies I sent you :) You are giving me ideas on how to use them.
Love the family page and the photo you used.
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