So, I made it to at least 1 challenge :( I just have been SO busy this week. Eek... I hate busy weeks although it is nice to have something to break the routine...if you know what I mean.
My week:
monday: 5.00 am get up
6.00 am start work
2.30 pm catch the ferry to town
5.00 pm meet husband for a class
9.30 pm take the ferry home
tuesday: 6.50 am get up
7.50 am go to work
7.55 am drop of daughter at school
8.00 am start work
4.45 pm take the ferry
5.15 pm start conference with work
7.10 pm take the ferry home
8.00 pm - 9.30 pm wash dishes, make homework with daughter.....
wednsday: 6.50 am get up
7.50 go to work
7.55 pm turn the bike home again to get daughters gym clothes...ah!
8.05 5 minutes late to work...ah!
1.00 pm go home on a break and hang the laundry and vaccum
4.30 pm go home from work
5.00 pm - 9.00 pm make dinner, wash dishes, do laundry, clean...
thursday: 6.50 am get up
7.40 am get daughter on her way to school
8.15 am walk the dogs
8.45 am clean up
9.30 am start work
5.00 pm off work
5.15 - 5.45 pm grocery shopping while dropping of daughter to church
6.00 pm walk the dogs
6.30 pm make dinner and pea :)
7.00 pm eat dinner
7.30 pm - 9.30 pm check the days before :) + pack daughters bags for going away this weekend.
friday: 5.00 am get up
5.50 am go to work
12.30 pm take the ferry to town
1.30 pm - 3.30 pm search for new shoes for daughter (with no luck but a few tears!)
3.30 pm say goodbye to daughter for the week :(
3.45 pm - 5.30 pm walk arround window shopping :)
6.20 pm take the ferry home
7.00 pm take the dogs for a walk
8.00 pm - ? PEA +BLOG!!!! might not be a lot for anyone else but I get all stressed over little things...
Next week I am off to Denmark with work (monday- wednsday) and then I will pick up daughter from my in laws thursday and we will be home thursday afternoon! Then the rest of the week is OFF!!! Hallelulja! :)