The other day I found the book of Pigge Werkelin, a man that survived the tsunami in Khao Lak in Thailand on the 26th of december 2004. Pigge has written a book about the tragedi that the tsunami ment for him; loosing his wife and two small boys. This was definitly that kind of book that you could not put down. I began reading it in bed one night and just couldn´t stop. I litterally had to force myself to put it down so that I could go to sleep. Pigge tells about the horrors that followed the tsunami and how he searched and found all three family members. He had ceremonies for all three as honorable as possible. He strikes me as such a strong person. The way he tells about the swedish help from the goverment that didn´t come, how he had to find ways to get his family out of the temples and all these paperwork breaks my heart. It makes me mad and sad. I feel so sad for all those who lost someone and my heart goes out to the thousands and thousands that lost everything. If you have the chance; buy Pigges book and contribute to the tsunami victims.