with all this thanksgiving glory flying around on blogs these days, i wanted to join in on the fun even though we technically don´t celebrate thanksgiving here. i am thankful you know:
for my husband, with whom i have a wonderful and passionate relationship.
for my darling daughter, even though she has come to an age where she has a very weird temper...
for our pets, even though they make me loose my mind sometimes.
for our house, even though it is one big renovation to happen.
for my job, which i love sooo much.
for the internet, it makes me feel so good to be able to connect with so many wonderful people.
for painkillers and healthcare, i still have pains from my kidney-adventure.
for photography, mine and others.
for my family, genetic and inlaw.
for my drivers licence, i do love to be able to just take the car and go!
for music, it sets the mood of the day, i think.
for crafts, they make me so very happy.
for freedom and human rights, period.
for the ability to feel pure happiness.
for sunshine.
for lovely trips that are in store soon!
...i have more but that´s it for now...i might make a page with this :)
Vilken jättefin bild på er! Och ni blir bara mer och mer lika tycker jag!
Åh var det du som skickade boken? Du och min fd jobbarkompis (med samma namn) skriver nästan precis likadant!! ;-) Tack så jättemycket för den. Den kommer att behövas här, för det är svårt att se positivt när allt bara är hemskt och man får ena dåliga beskedet efter det andra.
Hoppas ni får en bra söndag! Massor av kramar! /Linda
a lovely list and one that I just might copy :)
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